Saturday, 1 September 2012


I approach the first crystal meditation with a sense of apprehension. I'm convinced I'll either be inspired with the most profound prose of words giving me the answers to life or I'll have nothing to write about which would be embarrassing since how I posted this blog on Face book!

I thought 'best to keep things simple'; the crystal that came to mind to use first is amethyst. I walk into my treatment room and scan my crystal table for a crystal to use but out of the corner of my eye a beautiful amethyst geode sparkled at me, 'could I use a geode?' so much for keeping things simple, I've never meditated with a geode before. This geode probably weighs about 50k's so there was no way of picking it up and holding it. 

'Pillows!’ Making myself comfortable in front of the geode I began my meditation.

  • Visualise a ball of golden fire burning brightly below your feet
  • See a strand of this fire snake it's way up through the feet
  • Up the legs
  • Up unto the base of the spine
  • Through the abdomen
  • Up into rest at the heart
  • Above the head is a ball of bright White light 
  • Take a strand of this down into the crown
  • Through the brow
  • Down the throat 
  • Bring it to rest in the heart
  • Focus the consciousness into the area between the eyebrows
  • Here see your crystal shining
  • Visualise the crystal getting bigger and bigger until it's the size of a mountain
  • From here make your way up the crystal until you come to a door
  • Open the door and great the consciousness of your crystal

So I sat and waited.

And waited


No poetry, no prose, no bright spark of inspiration not even one word of inspiration.

It would have been easy to think sod it and leave the room but I realised how calm I felt, my breathing was slow and deep and my thoughts had slowed right down, there wasn’t the normal chitter chatter of a hundred trains of thought.

I focused back on the crystal from the brow. It started to feel like I was being hugged by an old friend, my body went tingly and I felt very uplifted.

I then sneezed and heard in my head 'out with the old in with the new' which I first thought was insignificant but comical, out with the boogies in with fresh air. Gross I know, sorry but that's what I thought and I'm being truthful on this blog, I'm not going to lie and give you a load of made up toss.

Anyway, I sat and enjoyed the feelings I felt connecting to this geode. I felt as though I had been cleaned, it's the only word that I can think of how to describe the sensation, sort of like how your mouth feels after rinsing with mouthwash but I felt that all over my body. I felt very calm and was happy to leave the meditation there.

It was late so off to bed where I slept soundly all night, I usually wake with the foot of my 11 month old baby in my face or her little fidgety bum stirs me but even she slept soundly all night. The energy of amethyst was inadvertently effecting my baby through my energy field / auric field (aura).

Whilst reflecting the next day I look at the notes I made after the meditation, I see how the first lesson of expecting phenomenal insight was blatantly the shouting of the ego! That little Madame who we shall name funky Sheila, obviously needed raining in! 

It seemed that the meditation was more about how the crystal made me feel rather than insight, which showed me how powerful amethyst is with 1) clearing 2) feelings 3) thoughts 4) sleeping.

An opportunity presented itself to me the next day, one I'm not going to divulge at the moment, don't want to pre-empt anything or even jinx it, but I thought of the sneeze, out with old in with the new! Ah ha perhaps it wasn’t just about boogies after all as the new opportunity, if all goes to plan, will usher in new things.

Well that was the first meditation with the first crystal; I can see how this is going to be a journey of discovery.

Tip: A good tip on how to find out what the properties of a crystal are, is to sit and connect to the crystal and mentally ask for the healing properties and see what you get. They may come to you through feelings or thoughts. I wrote the following whilst sitting with amethyst using my intention to find out its properties.


Amethyst is a powerful cleansing crystal; it removes negative energy and blockages and enhances spiritual awareness. 

A geode in a room is extremely beneficial for transmuting negative energies into loving vibes.

Amethyst promotes the transmutation of negative feelings into the lessons one needs to learn and enables one to receive insight into the feelings.

Amethyst activates the higher spiritual centres to enable spiritual connection to higher realms and helps one to become aware of their spiritual purpose.

Amethyst helps to overcome addictions and an addictive or overactive personality, it also helps with insomnia.

Amethyst activates the Heart Centre to open the bridge of spiritual energy to penetrate the lower centres.

Mentally Amethyst clears and focuses the thought patterns, stimulates memory and is an excellent study aid.

A sobering stone, Amethyst helps to dissipate the ‘rose tinted spectacles’ syndrome to enable one to see one’s reality clearly but without judgement, it brings in spiritual truth and helps to overcome addictions on a physical and emotional level.

Psychologically Amethyst reduces fears in one’s own ability; it is a protective stone and helps to strengthen the energy field.

Amethyst also enhances one’s intuition.

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